Native Microbes

What are they?

The objective of this practice is to reproduce the local microbiology, as bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi, algae and protozoa working in a complete harmony in a healthy environmental system (forest, farm or even animal and human system).

At the end the product will be a solid mixture which is ready to use on its own or using it by adding into a different regenerative and healthy practice.

What are Native Microorganisms for?

To replicate, reproduce, enrich, activate and recover in a biological way your land, animal or human system.

This method can be used and activated with different solid and liquid recipes as Bocashi, fermented brews and others. Another issue doing this microbe reproduction is for use in human and animal health system with same results (encourage balanced life).

How they work?

First at all we have to understand that a healthy local forest keeps the geo-biological memory of a specific area, ie plants, system and microbes working in an endosymbiosis in that area with local issues, such as climate or ecological factors.  We can try to understand it and make use of this natural process.

Therefore reproducing Natives Microorganisms encourages a biological balance, breaking down Organic Matter and strengthening plant, animals and human health system.

Collecting Native Micro organisms at Ragmans

  • Fall Back Yoga Retreat

    27 - 29th October 2017

    This weekend allows time to retreat, time to prepare for hibernation and slowing down - autumn, a time to prepare, ready for the hibernation of winter.

    The yoga will be strengthening for your core beliefs and trusting in what you need, while also nurturing that down time and desire to fall back in winter. With delicious vegetarian meals and massage (at a small extra cost) as always this time for you should come easy - with the added extra perks of afternoon tea and a hot tub! The wonderful food, yoga and therapy is all finished off nicely with sound therapy, as lucy brings her amazing singing bowls to nurture the body even further after a days yoga.

    Sophie has taught for over 7 years, combined with her massage work she brings a strong anatomical element to her class. She teaches Hatha yoga, with some flowing elements, allowing time for release and strength and a new love for yoga nidra helps that relaxation flow easily.

    For more information and to book a space click here
