What are Aerated Teas?

A brewed water extract of microbes, which allows the proliferation of beneficial organisms in a short period of time through an aerated process (usually pumping Oxygen with a small air bubbles system).

There are several ways or recipes for make this process getting same result: encourage aerobic microbe’s activity and/or their biomass; so this gives us a high range of use, such as reproduction and activation of microbiology present in the compost, native microorganism present in the forest or farm or just reproduction focused in specific aerobic microorganisms whose we desire to deal with.

As aerobic systems have more energy efficiency, this product will obtain an average of 36 molecules of ATP from each molecule of sugar as an energy source through the process; getting the energy from an external source (adding Oxygen by bubbling it through the solution).

This product has to be use in a short period of time as it losses its stability and properties in a few days. 

What are they for?

To bring back soil-plant fertility through adding beneficial microbiology to the system (farm, plot or backyard) reducing pest and diseases, encouraging microbiologic and mineral balance by the presence of both elements in symbiosis.


How do they work?

Adding a wide (or specific) range of beneficial microbes on the plant tissues and/or soil, making a positive effect on both immunologic systems.

Depending recipes and process a huge microbiological diversity could be found on this brews, such as bacteria, fungi, protozoa and nematodes making an important and positive effect in biological and minerals available issues to the plant.

  • Chromatography Course

    2-day Practical Workshop Monday 4th July - Tuesday 5th July 2016

    Revealing yet simple, chromatography is an exciting tool to diagnose soil health providing fast and graphic information on the health of the soil and the quality of biological, physical and chemical aspects of the soil and to help assess the relationships between the vital components of healthy soil.

    This 2-day workshop will focus on soil and manure analysis to verify health, biological activity and mineral interactions.
    At the end of the course participants will:

    ∗ Understand the value of chromatographic analysis of the soil as a useful tool for assessing soil conditions and deterioration
    ∗ Have experience of analysing chromatographic results
    ∗ Know what equipment is required for chromatographic analysis

    The course is delivered through a series of theoretical inputs, demonstrations, practical experience and discussion.
    Jairo’s teaching style makes clear the how and why of regenerating biological fertility and mineral agricultural soils; and how this enables the viable production of healthy food that is affordable to consumers and profitable for farmers. Throughout the course Jairo will give examples from his experience and you will learn more about Jairo and his approach and motivation. Jario's methods allow farmers to disengage from a dependence on external inputs. You can find a detailed biography on Jairo and his website by clicking here.
    Suitable for: Growers, farmers, technicians and those interested in soil health.

    "Was great, just enough philosophy to keep me motivated to change the world - and practical, clean, easy to understand" - 2015 course student

    Please note: this course will be delivered in Spanish with a translator.

    This course stands alone but to get the most out of it and experience the full context for this course it is best taken with the 4-day Regenerative Agriculture course

    To book both courses click here

    Cost £200

