Email ( is the best method of getting in touch, then via phone.

The farm office is open most days, but sometimes we are outside - please be patient. We will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

Our address is

Ragmans Lane Farm



GL17 9PA


Tel: (01594) 860244

Overseas: (int. code + 44 - 1594)

Please phone in advance to arrange a visit - we do not have a fam shop!

  • Living Willow Advanced Day

    10th November 2019 at Ragmans Lane Farm

    10.30am - 4.30pm

    Building upon the foundation of the Universal Weave, participants of the Advanced Day Course will practice how to use the Universal Weave to make 3 dimensional living willow structures.

    By the end of the day each participant will be able to design and make a whole range of structures with confidence, be that domes, dens, tunnels, mazes or whatever can be imagined.

    Teas, coffee and biscuits will be provided, plus hot soup and roll for lunch.

    Cost £60

    For more information or to book a space click here
