Tools and Techniques

As far as possible we mimic natural systems and processes, whilst achieving a healthy crop. For this purpose we are developing a range of “tools” which fit the UK climate. Although listed below as different tools, they are all part of a holistic approach. They are tweaks and adjustments for individual situations.

It is important to get a base of skills and understanding of these tools so the farmer and grower has autonomy and understanding to make their own preparations, empowering the farmer and reaching a broader scale. We are not selling products off the shelf, we are happier to run courses to explain the principles. 

For instance biofertiliser, an anaerobic ferment is good for chelating minerals so they are more available to plants. However aerobic tea, made by bubbling air through microbes in solution, is great for building more biology into the system. Native microbes can be propagated aerobically like this, or through the Native Microbe preparation outlined below. Lastly, we can measure the integration of these techniques and their effect on soil structure using Chromatography. 

  • Permaculture Design Course

    15th - 28th July 2019 at Ragmans Lane Farm

    The Design Course gives you what you can’t get from books: the experience of permaculture design. It centres on a series of practical exercises in which you develop a design for an actual piece of land, either a domestic garden or a smallholding according to your choice, with guidance from your tutor throughout. There’s no better way of learning than by doing, and by the end of the course you will be ready to go home and design your own place for real.

    In addition there are many other relevant topics explored from communication skills to the soil food web. Sessions include shorter desk-top exercises, slide shows, talks and discussions. As well as focusing on permaculture as a design system we also explore it as a guide towards more sustainable living in this time of great change.

    The course is certified by the Permaculture Association of Britain. This is a qualification recognised by the permaculture community internationally.

    Caroline has been teaching permaculture at Ragmans Lane Farm and other centres around the country for several years and originally trained and worked with Patrick Whitefield. Caroline has a background in market gardening, horticulture, smallholding and design and teaches with clarity and experience.

    Matt Dunwell is the owner of Ragmans Lane Farm and a permaculture pioneer in the UK. He has gained experience in many fields over the years and is now focussed on developing holistic management practices with his ‘beyond organic’ juice orchards. He has been teaching permaculture for many years and teaches with engaging knowledge and enthusiasm.

    Save this date - full course information and booking details will be available soon.

    To visit Patrick Whitefield Associates website CLICK HERE

