Biofertilisers (fermented brews)

What they are

Biofertilisers are liquid fertiliser with a high range of added minerals which are in balance and have a  stable energy as result of an anaerobic process (fermentation) based in a biological inoculant such as fresh cow manure. Specific microorganisms or minerals can be introduced throughout the fermentation process.  In this way we can adjust the brew to meet the farmer´s requirements to balance out specific deficiencies.


This product mimics the processes taken millions years ago by microbes before Oxygen become available in the atmosphere; this means that the efficiency of the fermentation is lower than Aerated processes; the efficiency is to produce around 2 molecules of ATP from each molecule of sugar through the process.


The source of energy for the fermentation is from the process in the product by itself ( i.e. the energy derived from the microbes metabolising themselves ), without adding any energy in the form of oxygen into the brew through the process; this feature make a stable product to use as a long term, giving the chance to store it as well. In this sense it is different from aerated teas that develop more rapidly, but are less stable and not possible to store. 

What are biofertilisers for?

These brews are used mostly to feed, re-cover and re-activate soil biology, increase plant fertility and animal health, also encouraging crop protection against pests and diseases.

How do they work?

At the end of the process the product content will contain a high range of available minerals (macro and micronutrients, trace elements ...), Organic Acids, proteins, vitamins, enzymes, carbohydrates, amino acids and different microbiology that will work in symbiosis with the natural processes in the plant and soil, developing and improving a nutritional and biological balance and a natural defence mechanism.

  • Spilling Out From Words

    Sunday 11th February 2018 at Ragmans Lane Farm

    ‘Eco linguistics and the spirit of words’

    One day workshop with Mandy Pullen and Jane Embleton

    We will be gathering words, spellings, language, dialects, meanings, diction and more than likely, a good deal of gibberish . . . all in the spirit of words.

    Much of our focus will be on the role of language in the life-sustaining interactions of humans and other species and the physical environment. This is a practice known as Eco Linguistics, the idea being that if we slowly change the way we speak about the Earth and nature as being separate from us then, like magic, we can soon start to make amazing connections to others, including the more than human world.

    Further details and to book a space CLICK HERE or contact Mandy direct tel: 01594 541850 mobile: 07805 800313 email:

    Cost: £50 includes soup and bread lunch and refreshments.

    Tutor Details:

    Mandy Pullen is an eco shamanic practitioner based in the Forest of Dean. She runs workshops and trainings on Eco Shamanism in Gloucestershire and further afield. Mandy lived at the farm over 20 years ago and set up and ran the organic garden and box scheme.

    Jane Embleton is an expert when working with the way spirit dances in our language, our dreams and our landscapes. She lives and works in Somerset where she also runs private art classes.   

