Email ( is the best method of getting in touch, then via phone.

The farm office is open most days, but sometimes we are outside - please be patient. We will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

Our address is

Ragmans Lane Farm



GL17 9PA


Tel: (01594) 860244

Overseas: (int. code + 44 - 1594)

Please phone in advance to arrange a visit - we do not have a fam shop!

  • Sustainable Bee Keeping

    Bees for Development is an independent organisation founded in 1993, achieving charitable status in 1999. Bees for Development helps beekeepers to do more and better beekeeping, in order to build sustainable livelihoods for themselves and their families - and conserve biodiversity. In addition to project work in Africa and Asia, we run an extensive information service working at the heart of an international network of people and organisations involved with apiculture in developing countries. Bees for Development is run by experienced professionals operating out of offices in Monmouth, South Wales, UK.

    For more information on this course please click here
