The following quote is from the excellent Permaculture Association website 

"Through the observation of the natural world we can see a set of principles at work. Permaculture design uses these principles to develop integrated systems that provide for our needs of food, shelter, energy and community in ways that are healthy and efficient. We can use permaculture design methods to improve the quality and productivity of our individual lives, our society and our environment."

What follows is a collection of quotes that help to describe permaculture. For further reading we would suggest the Permaculture Magazine website


“Permaculture is defined as consciously designed landscapes which mimic the patterns and relationships found in nature, while yielding an abundance of food, fibre and energy for the provision of local needs…more precisely I see Permaculture as the use of systems thinking and design principles that provide the organising framework for implementing the above vision”
David Holmgren ‘Pathways to Sustainability’ 2004



“Permaculture is an integrated, evolving system of perennial and self-perpetuating plants and animal species useful to man.”
Bill Mollison and David Holmgren – 1st definition of Permaculture


“Be the change you want to see happen”
Mahatma Gandhi


“Adopting permaculture in your garden could be the first step towards limiting your personal consumption and planning your life to become more creative as time goes by”
Graham Bell, ‘The Permaculture Garden’


“Is it all worth it? If we do our best to heal the Earth and make our place in her a sustainable one, is there a good chance that we will succeed?…to my mind that’s the wrong question. Even if we could answer it – and we can never know anything about the future for certain, it would beg the question How do I want to live my life? So my answer to the that I want to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem”.
Patrick Whitefield ‘Earth Care Manual’

“It is time for all of us to make changes about how we live our lives and to follow a path of the heart. By following our intuition and inpiration we encourage our own acts of heartfelt genius and boldness. This makes us feel alive and vital, gives us a great purpose and harnesses parts of ourselves we may have neglected or didn’t even know we had. We no longer feel overwhelmed by the way the Earth’s resources are managed, but recognise that change is in our hands, yours and mine, the hands of extraordinary people who have made a leap of understanding and are determined to make a difference. We become part of the change by becoming part of the solution.”
Glennie Kindred ‘Earth Wisdom’

  • Applied Agroecology Workshop

    - A day with Jairo Restrepo - a one day workshop on the 24th July 2015

    Jairo Restrepo is a passionate educator and activist in the field of sustainable agriculture and food sovereignty. He campaigns for a return of self determination, knowledge and autonomy to the farmer away from the power of agribusiness. He offers education, agronomy and consultancy around the world. His background is in Latin America and recently he has been touring in Europe and Australia. Jairo is consultant to the UN, Unesco, and the International Labour Organisation.

    Jairo’s teaching style is practical. He offers tools and inspiration for farmers, smallholders and activists. An agronomist with a rebellious character, he has a passionate belief in people power, in local rural culture, food sovereignty, and the desire to transmit the indigenous knowledge and experience gathered from over 20 years work across all continents. 

    We will cover a brief history of Jairo’s work, and where this has taken him. After lunch we will walk around the farm orchards to give Jairo an opportunity to demonstrate various agroecological approaches and low cost technologies such as mineral brews, wild microbes, biofertilisers, and compost tea.

    Jairo Restrepo has extensive experience of implementing these techniques at different scales through his teaching work and consultation. These Agroecological technologies are increasingly recognised as holding the key to the future of farming and climate change, and so we are excited to be able to offer his expert knowledge at Ragmans.

    "this guy is a genius and a tour de force of the first order!" Darren Doherty

    Who should attend:
    Farmers and independent small-scale growers, food producers, food retailers, campaigners for food sovereignty and students.

    Jairo will also be teaching a one day course on chromatography on Sat 25th July, and a five day course - An introduction to Regenerative Agriculture 18-22 July.

    Please note: this course will be delivered in Spanish with a translator. This is the first time that Jairo has taught in England. We would advise that you book onto the course early!

    Concessions available: please email us on with details of why you would like to be considered for a concession.

    For information about Jairo's other courses and events whilst in the UK please click here

