Harvesting the Sun - an important video from Ragmans Farm 



The first video in English of Jairo Restrepo, a world expert in Biofertilisers and soil regeneration, filmed at Ragmans Lane Farm. 

Jairo talks about the wonders of cow manure, soil microbes, trace elements, and their link with increased soil, plant and human health. 

He describes industrial agriculture as a 'dishonest agriculture' robbing us of our health and proposes an alternative productive approach harnessing the power of biological mineral ferments which will allow all of us to grow cheap organic food through enhanced photosynthesis -  by Harvesting the Sun.

We made this video because we believe that the work of Jairo Restrepo, long recognised in South America, is relatively unknown in the UK.  There is plenty of material on the internet of him teaching in Spanish, but very little in other languages, so we filmed an interview with him last summer and have edited it down for release. 

He is a leading teacher and practitioner in the application of technologies such as bokashi, biofertilser, native microbe ferments and the use of trace elements for soil bioremediation. These enable farmers at any scale to produce the fertility they need within their own farms and gardens. He teaches at Ragmans once a year in the summer, leading students through the science of his techniques, and also making about 15 different preparations.

His book The ABC of Organic Agriculture is a classic and has recently been translated into English, and is available through the website.

We believe that mineral and biological ferments could have a enormous impact in revitalising our soils and consequently our health. Juanfran Lopez researched the use of these products at Ragmans.  Further information about this work can be found here in the section describing our approach to Organic Agriculture. 














  • Weekend Practical Biofertiliser & Fermenting Course

    with Juanfran Lopez at Ragmans Lane Farm 

    5-6th March 2022

    A chance to learn how to regenerate farm and garden systems using home produced Biofertiliser, Native micro organisms, Aerobic and Anaerobic compost teas.

    The weekend will be practically orientated and there will be a chance to discuss and learn principles, objectives and strategies of Regenerative Agriculture.

    Over the course of the weekend we will be collecting native microbes to make cheap but effective natural fertilisers and tonics for the plant and soil.

    The course will cover:-

    * understanding holistic system health

    * microbes, ferments and fertilisers

    * plant health and mineral brews

    * hydrolates, seed coating and lactobacillus

    By the end of the weekend you will have the practical knowledge to make your own preparations at home, and a ‘starter kit’ of resources to take home with you including a fresh and mature batch of native microbes and biofertiliser for diluted use.

    "Good mix between technical and practical, science and simple!"

    Juanfran Lopez has studied with the Columbian Jairo Restrepo, one of the leading teachers of microbial preparations for healthy biological systems. Juanfran has also travelled through South America, Africa and Spain specializing in regenerative agriculture, learning and teaching as he travels. He was based at Ragmans researching and running trials on our orchards and garden. He is now studying for a PhD at Madrid University.

    For further information - Click here for Juanfran's website.

    Who should attend: Farmers, gardeners and small scale growers.

    "Great all round picture of soil biology to support understanding of practices"

    "Great environment with practical demonstrations, as well as academic. Enjoyed it and learnt loads"

    "Can't wait to get started"

    Food and Accommodation included.

    Saturday arrivals 9.30am, course commences at 10am until 5pm

    Sunday 9.30am until approx 4pm.

    For further information on making biofertilisers do have a read of our article "Make your own Biofertiliser" published in the Permaculture Magazine.

    For more information about our Soil research work please see this blog article published on the Soil Association website

    See the side bar for information on Juanfran's book 'The Biofertiliser Manual'.

  • Our Approach to Soil Fertility and System Health ~ by Matt Dunwell

    Added: February 15th 2017, Ragmans Farm

    Ragmans Farm is a 60 acre organic farm in the Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire. We use farming practices that regenerate the land, using permaculture as a guiding design principle. Between the three main enterprises at the farm – Ragmans Lane Farm, the Willow Bank and Ragmans Market Garden, we provide emplo... read more


    Added: May 13th 2016, Ragmans Farm

    Aerobic or Anaerobic? By Juanfran Lopez Microbes  - Drawn by Miriam, age 4   I would like to introduce this thought with a simple and easy question comparing two different well known similar tools, but with different final purposes, just to put this article in context... it would be something like th... read more


    An interview with Jairo Restrepo

    Added: June 23rd 2015, Ragmans Farm

    Columbian champion of Organic Farming and for the rights of small holder farmers. "my dream is to construct a being, an ideal state of a being, so that I shall not be the ideal being of the State". Jairo Restrepo is a passionate educator and activist in the field of sustainable agriculture and food s... read more


    Added: March 23rd 2015, Ragmans Farm

    A Wonderful Time at Ragmans by Yanthe Oosthoek - Student Summer 2014 Being back in Holland made me realise how amazing my time at Ragmans had been. While cycling through the Dutch landscape (which is not very impressive compared to the beautiful Wye Valley Ragmans is surrounded by) I notice myself pointing out diff... read more


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